The weekly curated resources list for
Product professionals
Receive a hand picked list of the best reads on building products that matter every week. Curated by Anders Toxboe. Published every Tuesday.
The best resources on Metrics.
OKRs are a way of expressing outcomes. Outcomes are the results of actions taken. Both business and product outcomes can be expressed as OKRs.
We strive to be data-driven in our decision making. And barring that, data-informed, overlaying our intuition and thoughts on top of the data. We certainly don’t want to be ignorant, and just make decisions with our gut. And yet sometimes that is exactly what happens — and some argue, better than being data-driven.
Marketplace analytics comprehensively explained
Most SaaS investors will point to CMRR as the foundational metric that everyone scours a pitch deck to find. But that can be extremely misleading.
OKRs are the tactical implementation of managing to outcomes.
Execs care about revenue. How do we get them to care about outcomes?
Are people really using your product?
Let’s get you kickstarted on product-led growth.
Explore key frameworks and real-world insights to navigate and calculate corporate innovation ROI effectively.
Struggling with data overload? Learn how to recognize and address metric overload, streamline data processes, and drive meaningful change in your organization.
Struggling with data overload? Learn how to recognize and address metric overload, streamline data processes, and drive meaningful change in your organization.
Why are we pretending like we know what well be doing in 6 months?
Your main focus should be onboarding (activation) experience, customer adoption, and engagement (retention), as those are the key elements to improve customer satisfaction today.
It uses a poorly phrased question, a response scale that's entirely too big, and an absurd method of calculation.
A breakdown of Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC) that actually makes sense.
Vanity metrics might make you feel good, but they dont offer clear guidance for what to do.
Lenny Rachitsky shares some data and case studies below to provide lessons for narrowing in on your own North Star Metric, knowing when to broaden your lens, and when to pivot your approach.
If we don't agree on the metrics before launching our project, the metric is always ROI.
Got it, now can we get practical?
Learn how to move from long-term, North Star Metrics to actionable quarterly Key Results, with Product Strategy bridging the two.
Data has become the cornerstone of decision-making across various industries. For product managers, the ability to harness data effectively can make the difference
How to manage the goal lifecycle and steer towards business and user outcomes rather than place bets on unproven ideas.
9 best practices from leading companies like Uber & Meta
How Babbel reestablished product-market fit by finding a new North Star Metric.
Learn what it takes to drive both individual and organizational success.
What gets measured gets managed—even when it's pointless to measure and manage it, and even if it harms the purpose of the organization to do so.
How to drive your companys sustainable growth with a North Star Metric
Great marketing and growth frameworks explained
Metrics that illustrate the promise and health of a company
Product/Market Fit is as much about being ready to scale as it is about having a desirable product.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of John Doerrs OKR Book
Trust your teams to set their own OKRs based on company strategy. Trust your team to know how to make them happen. Trust your teams.
Understanding the Key Metrics for Product Success. Product management is a critical function that involves guiding a product from its conception to its launch and ongoing improvement. To be successful, product managers need to have a deep
Fuel up with vanity metrics and you might drive far enough to get an investment, but eventually you’ll run out of gas.
Learn five ways internal product managers can utilize product analytics data to make better, data-driven decisions.
One of the hardest challenges when setting goals is to find good ways to measure things that move slowly. This can take many form: Whenever you see a key result where the target is a single unit, it
If retails battle cry is truly innovate or die, why are so many choosing death?
This handbook teaches you to get customers to your site or app and get them to buy.
Funnels were a good starting point but do not accurately represent how the fastest growing products grow.
Enter Product Discovery...
Its a huge challenge for innovation teams to establish and implement innovation metrics in their organization. Why? Because they substantially differ from the established metrics that focus on execution.
To get the full picture, look at a constellation of data.
OKRs at a not-for-profit, specifically one that influences and advocates for change.
Why and How Should You Track Metrics as a Product Researcher?
OKR require agility to succeed. The basics of Scrum provide the exact right scaffolding for this.
KPIs = measures of health. OKRs = things we want to change.
Most product managers get in the driver's seat and “feel the need for speed.” They want fast data to get fast answers to deliver even faster product impact.
How does your product grow? Funnels are not the answer.
Almost 50% of people that were previously loyal to a brand say theyve switched to a competitor who is better at meeting their needs.
How to untangle product objectives from company objectives
Retaining customers and minimizing churn is one of the most important concerns for subscription businesses. Without high retention, youll be losing money.
The job doesn’t end once the feature lands in the hands of the end-users. The launch will answer the hypothesis that got the team committed to this work in the first place: Does this feature solve my user’s pain?
A common pattern is doing a lot of incremental work but little-to-no iterations. Following a big idea (often framed as an initiative) and being solely focused on breaking it down often leads to a series of epics, and that epic becomes a series of user stories, and so forth.
If growth isnt understood, it cant be managed.
A Scorecard-Based approach to Opportunity Evaluation
Move from tactical to strategic data with this strategic data analysis template
Don't use metrics that have an active audience in the denominator.
Matt Lerner: Why I No Longer Score Ideas by Effort vs. Impact
In order to grow, teams have to acquire and engage people who will actually use the product and stick around.
The Build Measure Learn loop is backwards.
A hierarchy to make your product profitable
Learn the benefits of tracking your cost per acquisition along with a simple-to-follow formula to use whenever you need.
The mental tendency to replace strategy with metrics can destroy company value.
Software is an uncertain medium. Its a continuous medium. This means there is no end to it, you cant predict its end state and you really have no idea what combination of code, copy and design will deliver the customer success (outcomes) youre seeking.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of John Doerrs OKR Book
Beyond the Usual OKR approach Since I first started writing about OKRs seven years ago, I have had a lot of companies reach out to me for advice. OKRs were originally envisioned to create focus on
Start by understanding how customers get value
Heres how to actually do it
Receive a hand picked list of the best reads on building products that matter every week. Curated by Anders Toxboe. Published every Tuesday.