The weekly curated resources list for
Product professionals
Receive a hand picked list of the best reads on building products that matter every week. Curated by Anders Toxboe. Published every Tuesday.
Apr 3, 2024
Browse through 220+ onboarding examples and 100+ powerful tactics from the best SaaS products.
Today's Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is often about building a better version of an idea, not validating a novel one. It’s not good enough to be first with an idea. You have to out-execute from day 1.
UX teams must be integrated in the AI model training process.
Product first is often business first.
A common pattern is doing a lot of incremental work but little-to-no iterations. Following a big idea (often framed as an initiative) and being solely focused on breaking it down often leads to a series of epics, and that epic becomes a series of user stories, and so forth.
Receive a hand picked list of the best reads on building products that matter every week. Curated by Anders Toxboe. Published every Tuesday.